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RET              Return from Procedure               Flags: not altered

RET optional-pop-value

          Logic:    POP IP
                    If FAR RETURN (inter-segment)
                        POP CS
                    SP . SP + optional-pop-value (if specified)

    RET transfers control from a called procedure back to the instruction
    following the CALL, by:

         .   Popping the word at the top of the stack into IP
         .   And, if the return is an intersegment return:
                 Popping the word now at the top of the stack into CS
                 Adding the optional-pop-value, if specified, to SP

    The assembler will generate an intrasegment RET if the procedure
    containing the RET was designated by the programmer as NEAR, and an
    intersegment RET if it was designated FAR. The optional-pop-value
    specifies a value to be added to SP, which has the effect of popping
    the specified number of bytes from the top of the stack.

   Operands                  Clocks   Transfers  Bytes   Example
   (intrasegment, no pop)      20         1        1     RET
   (intrasegment, with pop)    24         1        3     RET 4
   (intersegment, no pop)      32         2        1     RET
   (intersegment, pop)         31         2        3     RET 2

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson